Digital Learning

What is Digital Learning?

There can be some confusion and difference of interpretation when it comes to Digital Learning. Historically it has been known as many things including E-Learning, Information Learning Technology (ILT) and Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL); not least getting it confused with IT and ICT!

Simply put Digital Learning:

 "is learning that can be facilitated  though the use of digital technology including digital hardware and software"

But what does that mean?

  • Its giving the means to learners to self-manage, reflect and evaluate their learning whilst the tutor role remains as a guide and the authority within the learning environment. 
  • Its creating learning opportunities that are fun, engaging and motivating whilst providing the platform to stretch and challenge learners. 
  • It's making use of the rich technology that surrounds us everyday to shape learning opportunities.
  • It includes  the use of Web 2.0 collaborative technologies that help remove traditional barriers of access and truly make learning ‘anytime, anywhere'.
Icon by Freepik.CC.

An effective combination of effective teaching activities delivered using Digital Learning can help increase learner participation, motivation, achievements, behaviour, whilst embedding essential Digital Literacies needed for future employability.

For some further information check out:

Or look at this Inforgraphic for ideas on how to plan Digital Learning